
Save the date 12.12.xx Andy & Zhea Your Invited SAVE THE DATE We joyfully invite you to share in ourhappiness we unite in marriage. Hope to see you there 00Hari 00Jam 00Menit 00Detik The Beautiful Couple We joyfully invite you to share in ourhappiness we unite in marriage. Hope to see you there We joyfully […]


HI! With joyful hearts, we invite you to Celebrate Our wedding Elsa & Rama Kepada Yth : Buka Undangan Save the date 12.12.xx Elsa & Rama We want you to be a part of our great moment! I WANT TO COME We joyfully invite you to share in ourhappiness we unite in marriage. Hope to […]

Elsa dan Rama

Elsa Kpd Bpk/Ibu/Saudara/i Tanpa Mengurangi Rasa Hormat, Kami Mengundang Anda Untuk Berhadir Di Acara Pernikahan Kami. Buka Undangan Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar Save the date 12.12.xx Andy & Zhea Your Invited SAVE THE DATE We joyfully invite you to share in ourhappiness we unite in marriage. Hope to see you there 00Hari […]

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